Monday, September 7, 2009

Boat Ramp Meeting 9/6/09

I want to thank everyone that showed up at the meeting on sunday. I am glad there is alot of us wanting to better the neighborhood and boat ramp. I was a little overwhelmed by the turn out so I wasn't prepared for what all went on but i think we will make it through.
The reason for the meeting was to get an idea on repairing the boat ramp. We all had some good ideas that will probably work. If I am not mistaken what we decided on was to saw cut around the hole and drill pins around the edges for rebar, fill void under with concrete. Then on the sides dig footings and slope concrete away to help with washing under the ramp.
I want to also thank all of those who donated money to the fund I will check on opening an account this week to put the money in. I will be in contact with a few of the people who had access to equipment to get started on the repair. If anyone wants to correct me in any way on the discussion please do, but I do believe that this was the decision made by majority vote.
Also there will be a future meeting on starting a neighborhood association. We will post signs and let people know when that will be, hopefully before spring.
Please feel free to post any comments you may have on what has been said; JUST REMEMBER I am Human so i do make mistakes.

Thanks Again Trey Maxey